Personal Reality Integration and Sensory Modulation (The PRISM) is a model for higher living designed to help you discover greater alignment and balance at all levels of your being - Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit - in essence, to bring you closer and closer to Zero Degrees of Separation from Divine Spirit.
The PRISM has two primary goals:
- Integration of one's "personal reality" or the many, often fragmented facets through which we perceive and interact with the outer world, and
- Modulation of one's senses to perceive and connect with the Higher Self and ultimately with Divine Spirit, our common source
Through Personal Reality Integration, you will learn about the interconnectedness of the outer world of Body and Mind with the inner realms of Soul and Spirit. Your "ego self," which believes itself to be separate and distinct, often skews the bigger picture, thus limiting you to very restrictive views of the world. This creates a multitude of problems or "blocks" as you try to create and discover healthy solutions in your life. By connecting with your higher or "True Self," you are able to liberate yourself from this false belief system and manifest Spirit throughout all facets of your life.
Sensory Modulation involves altering how you use your senses, allowing you to move beyond the restrictions of the outer world to perceive higher realms of existence. Through different combinations of sensory enhancement, movement, and breath and energy work, you will learn to stretch and grow beyond perceived limits. Awakening to a higher awareness of yourself and your potential as well as your infinite interconnectedness with all other beings, your sense of separation and isolation decreases.
The PRISM will help you "pull it all together" as you find greater clarity and peace on your own path.
Training in The PRISM Model includes focus on the following levels:
~ Third Degrees of Separation (Body), including:
- Fragmentation: Our Twelve Worldly "Faces"
- Relationships with ourselves and others
- Individual perspectives and the "Minority Experience"
- Solutions of Body
~ Second Degrees of Separation (Mind), including:
- The "ego self" and its ten favorite defenses
- Duality: Yin, Yang, and "The Other"
- Perception and unreal realities
- Solutions of Mind
~ First Degrees of Separation (Soul), including:
- The True Self
- Seven Inner Dimensions
- Our "Clair" Senses
- Solutions of Soul
~ Zero Degrees of Separation (Spirit), including:
- One Spirit, Many Paths
- Manifestation and Liberation
- Eternity and Infinity: Beyond Time and Space
- Solutions of Spirit